2022-04-20 15:00:00

Radionica Newspapertheatre

U ponedjeljak, 25.4. u 17 sati održat će se jedna zanimljiva online (kazališna) radionica koja se održava u sklopu Erasmus+ projekta The Art of Teaching. 

U nastavku je opis radionice s dodatnim informacijama: 



You experience simple tools to discover body, voice, language, creative reading and theatre through the work with newspapers. The reading techniques are based on Augusto Boal.

The online workshop inspires you then to experiment the techniques and ideas with any other text or material.


Date and time: 25. April 17:00- 19:15 
Application: office@ifant.at
 . After application you get a Zoom link.
Prize: 10 Euros


Detailled description – agenda:

17:00-17:10:  Coming together: Onlinegroup newspaper games

17:10- 18:00: Voice and body, Emotional reading, work with the 10 reading techniques of Augusto Boal

18:00- 18:10: Break

18:10- 18:40: performative and scenic work in small groups with the reading techniques

18:40- 19:05: Presentation and Reflection
19:05- 19:15: Cool down and Feedback


To have with you: two different newspapers, scissors, glue and pencils to mark columns in colours

We are looking forward to learn to know you!

Osnovna škola Ivana Gundulića Zagreb