2022-04-04 08:42:00

Radionica DRAMA LAB

Kao što sam najavila, u sklopu Erasmus+ projekta The Art of Teaching, svaki mjesec će se održavati i online edukacije. Već ovaj četvrtak možete sudjelovati na radionici DRAMA LAB. 

Ukoliko je netko zainteresiran - šaljem opis i poveznicu u nastavku:

DRAMALAB – a digital tool for inclusive drama sessions
Digital DramaLab is a part of integrated resources for inclusive teachers developed within Join & Make a Change project co-funded by Erasmus+. As JIMAC research proved the most valuable learning for students is the team synergy where individual learners reveal and share their expertise to strategize together, suggest multiple solutions, distance themselves from any roles to gain new insights and self-regulation for further growth.
The workshop will explore different ways of engaging diversity of learners, their different perceptions of the same objects or phenomena, switching of the perspectives, vested interests, opinions, beliefs etc. Improv structures from DramaLab trigger divergent thinking and invite unlimited number of responses, the more unusual – the better. JOIN IN the fun and be part of educational change!

Osnovna škola Ivana Gundulića Zagreb